Effective breaching minimizes operator exposure, maximizes effectiveness and requires proper tools and training. 5.11 Tactical has partnered with Sweden Entry Tools (S.E.T.) to develop the 5.11 Tactical Breaching Tool System of rated Expert Entry Equipment, a new concept of mechanical breaching based on a line of mechanical entry tools and a full size breaching training door.
Designed for the durability and longevity of use, the 5.11 Breaching Tools are constructed with a proprietary TacForged steel alloy for superior light weight and incredible tool strength. The tool shafts are designed for rigidity, utilizing hydraulic pipe steel to eliminate all spring tension in the tool; applying maximum mechanical advantage on the breaching site where it is needed most.
The 5.11 Breaching Tool System, sold and registered only to law enforcement, fire, security and rescue personnel, allows breaching of inward and outward opening wooden, steel and security doors. The Expert Entry Tools in the system include the MiniRam, the compact MultiPry, the MultiSledge and the full-sized MultiBreacher. Two kit styles offer the versatility of compact carry options: the Active Patrol Breaching Kit for active shooters and HRT response maintained within patrol cars and a Heavy Breaching Kit to carry all the tools for heavy SWAT level response situations. The unique MultiPurpose Training Door allows for multiple variations of training on different types of outward and inward opening of wood, fire, metal and security niche plate mounted doors with both mechanical and hydraulic tools.